Open up your family scrapbook and you’re bound to find bicycles. Kids on bikes and even adults on bikes are a standard feature of any family photo album.
Devon Price: Bike Commuter
While visiting Sarah’s grandmother in North Carolina, we went through some family scrapbooks. Imagine my surprise when I came across this company newsletter clipping of her father as a bike commuter. Bicycles are common. Someone who actually commuted to work, well, that is exceptional.
High Fuel Prices in 1974
With just five miles to cover and gasoline prices high, bike commuting seemed liked a fine idea. In fact, it may be the next big thing.
Better Bikes, Better Roads Today
With better bikes and better roads today, why aren’t we all riding bikes to work? If Devon Price could do five miles in polyester on a bike with only ten speeds, why can’t we all ride to work on our spiffy new bikes?
Open Your Photo Album and Look for Bikes
Here is your assignment for today… Open your family photo album and find your bicycle photos. If you can’t find one bike in your album, I’ll send you some SportLegs. If you find a really nifty picture or a good story, email me and I’ll put it online to share with the rest of the folks here.
I hope you have a lot of SportLegs. I think you made a bad bet. We’re a family with lots of pictures and very few of them are on bicycles.
I’ve scanned at least f0ur scrapbooks and had zilch bike in them.
Think about it: pocket-size digital cameras didn’t exist in the 40s and 50 (or the 70s and 80s, for that matter). Bikes didn’t have a whole lot of places to carry cameras, either.
Ah, I think Ken is right. The only photo I know of me is the listed on the masthead of “our cyclist” page of this site.
Can I get something for those photos?